What Is Your Leadership Style?

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A key role of a manager, according to Henry Mintzberg, is leadership: motivating subordinates and unifying effort.

The Gold Rush Into The Project Leadership Field

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As more professionals enter the field of project management and leadership, similar to the days of the gold rush, it becomes more critical for you, as a practitioner, to excel and hone your skills.

The Project Leader As Psychologist

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This article discusses some of the issues that the project leader faces in the quest to maintain team members’ motivation levels during a project – to ultimately develop a high-performing team.

Project Leadership is Mental


As the project management field develops and matures, it is becoming clearer that project management requires project leadership to succeed. Project management is not merely the management of things (budgets, scope, artefacts, risks, assumptions, issues, dependencies, constraints etc). Once people are involved (team members, stakeholders) it’s mental.

Leadership is 'doing the right things'

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It was Peter Drucker who famously said “management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”